
Body Fat Operating Manual

for Weight Loss and Better Health

Mitochondrial Rehabilitation

Fat Burning

Your body should naturally fuel its energy needs primarily with fat/adipose tissue. Eating processed food with added linoleic acid and sugar will force your body and brain to use sugar for energy. Linoleic acid, the primary omega-6 fat in plant seed oil, is made by grinding large amounts of seeds. For perspective, the average American consumes 5 tablespoons of plant seed oils daily. If it were corn oil, it would take approximately 90 ears of corn to produce 5 tablespoons of oil. Eating 90 ears of corn a day is only possible due to the unnatural processing of our food. This is harmful to your body as it produces inflammation, the primary cause of disease, and results in weight gain due to sugar cravings, elevated insulin levels, and insulin resistance. Please sign-up to take the fat-burning questionnaire to determine your fat-burning status. Teaching your body to burn fat again is the first step to better health and weight loss.

  • Fat Burner: If you passed the test and are overweight, you will be able to lose weight more easily because your basic fat-burning metabolism is still working.
  • Sugar Burner: If you did not pass the test, your fat-burning system is broken and needs rehabilitation. You may lose weight but not maintain the weight loss unless you fix your broken fat-burning metabolism.

We are here to teach you how to fix your fat-burning metabolism, which will give you more energy and better health. Oxygen is the main ignition system that turns on fat burning. We will train your body to burn fat instead of sugar as its primary fuel source.

Avoiding Harmful Oils

You will not burn fat properly with oxygen when you eat plant oils containing linoleic acid (omega-6 polyunsaturated oils like canola, sunflower, safflower, soy, and corn). These oils attract the oxygen you breathe in and react with it by chemically bonding, creating toxic chemicals that cause inflammation at the cellular level. This inflammation shuts down mitochondrial fat burning and produces harmful free radicals, creating an unhealthy environment for your cells. This reaction advances aging and disease progression. For example, linoleic acid in a processed diet is suspected to be the primary cause of age-related macular degeneration (the leading cause of poor eyesight). This is well documented in the book, "Ancestral Dietary Strategy to Prevent and Treat Macular Degeneration" by Chris A. Knobbe, M.D. Every time you eat plant oils, it shuts down your fat-burning metabolism and damages your health, with effects accumulating over time leading to disease.

Understanding Fat

Mainstream media and the government have been advocating a low-fat diet since the 1950s. The U.S. government recommended reducing saturated animal fat and adding more grains and vegetables to our diet. These recommendations led to the processed food industry creating harmful food products from grains and vegetables. Plant oils (polyunsaturated fats) such as sunflower, safflower, canola, corn, cottonseed, and soy were added to almost all processed food. New research over the last 30 years has shown that these government strategies were wrong. Saturated and monounsaturated fat is not your enemy; plant seed oils are. The government food pyramid is incorrect, but you don't have to wait for official changes.

Your body's 30 trillion cells naturally want to use oxygen to burn fat. Vitamin A (retinol) and copper are needed to burn fat efficiently. Most people who avoid saturated fat (animal and fish foods) are retinol deficient. Retinol is a fat-soluble vitamin present in animal fat (land and sea animals) and is not found in plant products. Beta carotene in plants does not function like retinol. Vegetarians need supplementation to get enough retinol.

Copper and Magnesium

You need copper to bind with retinol to help regulate the burning of fat with oxygen. Almost everyone is lacking copper because it's depleted from our soil. This is why we recommend beef liver as a food choice and/or beef liver capsules (Grass-fed Beef Liver capsules). An alternative is cold-pressed virgin cod liver oil. Magnesium, another essential mineral for energy production, is also depleted from our soil and deficient in most people.

Sunlight and Ceruloplasmin

Daily sunlight produces ceruloplasmin (needed to regulate iron, copper, and magnesium in the production of ATP/energy) from vitamin A (retinol) and copper. It takes a minimum of 30 minutes of sunlight a day between 10 AM and 2 PM for sunlight to convert retinol to a retinoid that combines with copper to produce ceruloplasmin. Ceruloplasmin is the most important antioxidant in your body, yet most people have never heard of it. Vitamin A is the real sunshine vitamin, not vitamin D. If you eat adequate good quality fat (cholesterol), sunlight will convert some of it to vitamin D while you are converting your retinol to a retinoid. Vitamin D isn't a vitamin; it's a hormone because your body produces it. Vitamins are substances your body can't produce; hormones are substances your body can produce.

Aerobic Capacity and Fat Burning

The more active you are and the longer you stay in the fat-burning aerobic zone, the more fat you will burn when you limit your sugar intake to 200 calories or below. If you have difficulty climbing stairs because you get out of breath, your aerobic capacity is very low (poor fitness). Improving your aerobic capacity (fitness level) with more activity is important. Exercise doesn't have to be painful; it should be enjoyable. Slowly build your aerobic capacity by walking fast and gradually increasing your activity level.

Optimal Fat Burning

To stay in the fat-burning aerobic zone, subtract your age from 180. The resulting number is your target heart rate for optimal activity level and fat burn. Maintaining your body at that level for 30 minutes or more will result in maximal fat burning. As you become more fit, you will be able to go faster with the same amount of exertion. You are slowly training your aerobic capacity to become more efficient. If you are not active, your body will still consume body fat for fuel at a lower rate as long as you have avoided seed oil (linoleic acid) and limited carbohydrates to 200 calories. You can test if you are burning fat properly with a ketone test explained in the RXWL patient guidebook.

Increasing Aerobic Capacity

By increasing your activity, you are training your body to become more efficient at burning fat, provided you do not eat over 50 grams/200 calories of sugar and avoid plant seed oils. It's best to consume carbohydrates at an early dinner (5 PM). This allows you to burn through the carbs while sleeping and reset your insulin to lower levels. Eating more than 50 grams of sugar sets you up for burning sugar, not fat, leading to sugar cravings and more fat storage.

Eating Good Fats and Protein for Fuel

Grass-fed beef liver and cold-pressed virgin cod liver oil are the best foods to get the nutrients you need to burn fat. Combine these with a minimum of 30 minutes of natural sunshine a day. 

"You don't stand a chance to be healthy if you’re eating the standard American diet. You have been fooled by slick marketing and foolish politics." - Dr. William McComb

"It's easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.” - Mark Twain

The Government Food Guidelines Are Wrong

The 2016 NHANES (National Health and Examination Survey) revealed that 88% of adults don’t meet the five criteria of metabolic health. This shift to poor metabolic health is increasing in direct proportion to the addition of plant seed oils to processed foods. The government’s advice was to reduce saturated animal fats and eat a low-fat diet, which deprived us of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) and introduced harmful toxins from linoleic acid. The processed food industry thrives on plant seed oils and sugar, while quality fats like raw grass-fed A2 butter and lard are more expensive and require refrigeration. The result is a population more overweight than ever with higher rates of diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, cancer, and dementia.

Fat University

  • Saturated Fats: (coconut, lard, butter, suet, palm oil) do not react directly with oxygen like linoleic-based plant seed oils. These fats are natural for your body to use for energy.
  • Monounsaturated Fats: Virgin olive oil is a healthy choice.
  • Polyunsaturated Fats (PUFA): The average American consumes 50 grams of PUFA daily, well above the needed 3 grams. Omega-6 produces inflammation while omega-3 promotes anti-inflammatory actions. Omega-3 in fish is the version our bodies need, unlike omega-3 in plants, which oxidizes like omega-6.
  • Trans Fats: Man-made trans fats should not be eaten as they are toxic carcinogens.

Overcoming Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance results from consuming plant seed oils and sugar, shutting down your natural fat-burning energy factory. This makes you dependent on sugar for fuel, leading to higher insulin spikes and more fat storage. Over time, this can be reversed by changing your diet.

Understanding Fat Burning

If you grasp these concepts, you're on your way to becoming a "happy fat burner." Join the Happy Fat Burner Club! Membership is free; you just need to commit to healthy eating and fat burning.

Overcoming Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance often results from consuming plant seed oils and sugar. These dietary choices can shut down your natural fat-burning process, making you dependent on sugar for energy. This dependence leads to higher insulin spikes, increased fat storage, and a shutdown of ketone production in the liver. As a result, you feel tired every few hours and crave more sugar, creating a vicious cycle.

Insulin resistance is caused by linoleic acid in plant oils disrupting your energy production. Your brain, needing fuel, signals the liver to release more sugar, making you crave sugar and putting your pancreas in a constant battle to regulate blood sugar levels. Reversing insulin resistance takes time but is achievable through dietary changes.

Your Body Fat

Body fat acts like a large energy reserve. For example, a woman weighing 135 pounds with 18% body fat still carries 84,000 calories of energy. The purpose of body fat is to provide energy when needed. However, a diet high in processed foods and plant seed oils can cause inflammation, shutting down fat burning and increasing sugar cravings.

If you're overweight but can still burn fat, you might be metabolically healthy, with weight evenly distributed. In contrast, metabolically unhealthy individuals can't burn fat efficiently, leading to central obesity and disproportionate weight gain, such as a fat belly with skinny legs or a fat chin and neck.

Signs of an Unhealthy Metabolism

  • Beer Belly, Skinny Legs, Fat Neck: These are visible signs of an unhealthy metabolism and may be accompanied by high triglycerides, low LDL, and elevated liver enzymes.
  • Toxic Seed Oils: Fat cells filled with toxic seed oils swell, leading to disproportionate weight gain. These fats attract white blood cells, which become foam cells and can oxidize, forming plaques and leading to arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

Brain Appetite Control Center

Healthy Hunger vs. Sugar-Driven Hunger: Healthy individuals who burn fat efficiently only get hungry after significant activity or undereating for a few days. Unhealthy hunger is driven by blood sugar fluctuations caused by a diet high in processed foods and plant seed oils, leading to frequent sugar cravings.

Leptin and Appetite Regulation

Leptin, a chemical messenger from fat cells to the brain, regulates appetite. A healthy system keeps your weight in check. However, processed foods cause inflammation, blocking appetite sensors and disrupting the brain's control over energy regulation. This malfunction leads to uncontrolled appetite, craving the wrong foods, and distorted perceptions of hunger.

Fat Burning Rehabilitation Plan

  • Eliminate vegetable and plant seed oils containing linoleic acid from your diet.
  • Limit carbohydrates to 200 calories per day, consuming them only at dinner. Plant seed oils create inflammation by reacting with oxygen, producing toxic chemicals that disrupt hunger signals, similar to the effect of marijuana.

The primary goal is to achieve consistent energy levels without sugar fluctuations, enabling you to handle daily challenges effectively.

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