Peptide Therapy
Sermorelin . Glutathione . Beautithione


Increase HGH Hormone (The Regeneration Hormone) 

Recommended if you are 30 years or older and show signs of aging skin, weight gain and loss of  muscle/strength

To begin with, it is a good idea to have an understanding of what Sermorelin is and what role it plays when administered via injection. Scientifically, Sermorelin is referred to as a growth hormone releasing factor 1-29 NH2 acetate. This is because it is a peptide which contains the first 29 amino acids that make up growth hormone produced in our bodies. This contributes to Sermorelin's function as a growth hormone secretagogue ("a substance which causes another substance to be secreted" - Wikipedia). In this case, the substance whose secretion is promoted is growth hormone. For this reason, Sermorelin is often also referred to as an “HGH stimulator" and is considered  excellent  alternative to  HGH. 

One important thing to understand about Sermorelin is that it promotes healthy function of the pituitary (the gland responsible for our body's rejuvenation.

Benefits of Sermorelin - Smoother more radiant skin 

1. Muscle Strength 
Due to changes in body composition detailed above, muscle strength is understandably compromised. As HGH therapy corrects body composition and improves muscle mass, muscle strength also improves. The best results are gained after 12 months of HGH therapy. 

2. Joint Health 
By improving bone mineral density and increasing muscle mass and strength, HGH therapy can help to prevent joint deterioration that is a feature of arthritis. Optimal growth hormone levels are also essential for health of connective tissue such as the synovium found in joints.  Exercise Performance Exercise performance is reduced in individuals with growth hormone deficiency. This appears to be partially due to reductions in bone density and muscle mass but also in part due to a reduction in oxygen uptake. HGH therapy for 6 months has been shown to improve exercise performance by improving muscle mass and oxygen uptake. 

3. Heart Health 
There is evidence of a greater risk of heart disease in individuals with growth hormone deficiency and it has been hypothesized that this is due to a greater propensity to develop premature atherosclerosis (a build-up of plaque inside the arteries which increases risk of heart attack and stroke). Growth hormone deficiency also results in changes in heart size and function. These changes have been demonstrated to be reversed after 6 months HGH therapy. 

4. Metabolism 
Growth hormone deficiency results in a reduced resting metabolism and replacement therapy reverses this decrease. HGH therapy has also been shown to increase protein synthesis, increase fat oxidation, normalize carbohydrate metabolism and reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol. These favorable effects on metabolism may, in part, explain some of the other benefits of HGH including improved hearth health and body composition. 

5. Skin Thickness 
Seymonli A reduction in skin thickness and all-important skin collagen is another result of Sermorelin deficiency. 


Glutathione Injections - #1 benefit: Smoother more radiant Skin  


Glutathione is an antioxidant formed from the amino acid cysteine, glutamate and glycine. Virtually all your cells have glutathione, but this antioxidant is most highly concentrated in your liver, pancreas, spleen and eyes. Your glutathione levels dwindle as you age. Taking glutathione supplements may offset the reduced glutathione levels caused by age. Glutathione supplements may be administered via injection or intravenously. No known side effects are associated with injections of glutathione. 


Glutathione is primarily responsible for reducing the levels of cysteine on the surface of proteins and helps protect your body from free-radical damage. Glutathione also helps synthesize and repair DNA and it facilitates the recycling of vitamins C and E. It helps transport amino acids and plays a vital role in purging your body of toxic compounds such as heavy metals. By helping your body detoxify, glutathione helps give you more radiant skin. 

Benefits include
  • Breaks down oxidized fats and free radicals in the body, thus strengthening the body's skin.
  • Prevents or reverses acne, wrinkles and crow's feet via detoxification of the skin and body.
  • Helps prevent damage from second hand smoking by halting the "aldehydes" in cigarettes from "aging" the cells (prevention of emphysema) 
  • Helps get rid of age spots, liver spots, brown spots, crow's feet and dark circles under eyes
  • Like melatonin, it protects the skin against oxidative damage which leads to wrinkles, therefore, it is an excellent form of anti-aging skincare 


Rx living young's proprietary beautithione treatment helps your body at a cellular level to achieve beautiful radiant skin. Beautithione treatment consist of Sermorelin, Gluathione, and Vitamin C in a proprietary intra venous therapy.
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